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Ammonia is one of the chemical industry's most important products. It is used to produce nitrogen-containing compounds, nitric acid and mineral fertilizers.

In liquid state and as aqua ammonia, ammonia is used in agriculture as a stand-alone fertilizer.

Application of 100 kilograms of ammonia per hectare of soil increases the yield of wheat by 8-10%, corn - by 60%.

We offer ammonia without intermediaries - from the world's largest ammonia producer.


Ammonia, GOST 6221-90

We have all the necessary licenses and quality certificates that meet international requirements.

Yield increases by 20-60%

When injecting ammonia for winter wheat planting, the average increase in grain yield from liquid ammonia was higher than from ammonium nitrate, depending on the fertilizer, by 1.1-2.7 c/ha. Also, the anhydrous ammonia application technology helps to increase yields and grain quality.


We provide the following terms of delivery:

1. Shipment from the ammonia pipeline.

Terms of delivery EXW with tank truck loading (Incoterms - 2020), shipment of ammonia from the distribution and pumping stations of the main ammonia pipeline, which is managed by SE Ukrkhimtransamiak;

am32. Rail supply is possible on the DDP/DAP/CPT terms (Incoterms - 2020).


LLC «BonAgry» provides a full range of services: delivery of ammonia directly to the farm and the implementation of specialized works as to application of anhydrous ammonia into the soil.

Standards, doses and other technical details regarding the application of ammonia into the soil depend on the type of crop and shall be agreed separately.


LLC «BonAgry» offers the best prices

Always up-to-date price list for mineral fertilizers from our company. You can get acquainted with the prices by the link or by calling us +38 (096) 182-95-93

Price list


Contact details:

Address: st. Simon Petlyura, 16, Kyiv city, 01032, Ukraine

Main office +38 (096) 182-95-93
