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Limestone ammonium nitrate

Limestone ammonium nitrate

Limestone ammonium nitrate is a universal physiologically neutral fertilizer used for all agricultural crops and suitable for use on all types of soils.

In terms of nitrogen content, the fertilizer is less concentrated than ammonium nitrate, but has better agrochemical properties and efficiency due to the presence of calcium and magnesium. During fertilizing with limestone ammonium nitrate, in the soil solution there is an interaction between calcium carbonate (CaCO3), magnesium (MgCO3) and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) with formation of water-soluble calcium salts (Ca(NO3)2) and magnesium (Mg(NO3)2) allowing to reduce the pH (indicator of soil acidity), which means in general - neutralization (reduction) of the number of free hydrogen ions (H+) in the soil solution.


The use of Limestone ammonium nitrate

It is used for crops superficially or locally - as the main application, fertilization and for root feeding (with mandatory incorporation into the soil). In case of using Limestone ammonium nitrate as fertilizer for winter crops, the most effective way is to apply on frozen soil, or later - with a drill, which will minimize the loss of nitrogen and other elements.

Crops, which require a neutral and slightly acidic reaction of the soil, give a good response by an increase as well as by the quality of the crop when using limestone ammonium nitrate.

LLC «BonAgry» offers the best prices

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Contact details:

Address: st. Simon Petlyura, 16, Kyiv city, 01032, Ukraine

Main office +38 (096) 182-95-93
