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NPK Compound Fertilizer 16:16:16

NPK Compound Fertilizer 16:16:16

NPK Compound Fertilizer 16:16:16 is applied as the main and pre-sowing fertilizer on all types of soils for all agricultural crops. The most effective NPK Compound Fertilizer on chernozem soils and sierozem soils during irrigation. With the main application of heavy granulometric composition on chernozem soils and soils in the non-chernozem zone, it is advisable to apply NPK Compound Fertilizer for the fall-plowing, and on soils of light granulometric composition - in the spring. NPK Compound Fertilizer is used for all crops. NPK Compound Fertilizer is non-toxic and non-explosive. It can be transported by all modes of land transport.


The use of NPK Compound Fertilizer 16:16:16

The fertilizer is widely used on all types of soils as the main, pre-sowing fertilizer and topdressing. NPK Compound Fertilizer 16:16:16 can be used as the basic fertilizer (during pre-sowing cultivation) for all agricultural crops. The high effect of the application of this fertilizer is obtained for sugar beet crops.

LLC «BonAgry» offers the best prices

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Contact details:

Address: st. Simon Petlyura, 16, Kyiv city, 01032, Ukraine

Main office +38 (096) 182-95-93
