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Urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN 32)

Urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN 32)

Urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN 32) is a solution of urea with ammonium nitrate and contains 32% nitrogen. It is one of the most promising fertilizer with high economic efficiency. UAN has a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. It is a colorless or yellowish liquid with a density of 1.26-1.33 g / cm

UAN 32 fertilizer contains virtually no free ammonia that eliminates the loss of nitrogen during loading, transportation, storage and application into soils. It can be applied using high-performance units without simultaneous application into soils as well as with irrigation water. In addition to all the above advantages, UAN does not pollute the environment, improves nitrogen consumption during drought, operating costs for its application are much lower than for other fertilizers. UAN is non-toxic, non-flammable and non-explosive, which is especially important for saltpeter.


The use of UAN 32

UAN can be used in such terms and ways:

  • in autumn - for the main tillage;
  • in the spring - for pre-sowing tillage;
  • growing season for agricultural crops for root and foliar feeding;
  • use as a compensatory dose of mineral nitrogen to increase the coefficient of straw humification, eliminate its depressive effect on the growth and development of plants by balancing the ratio of carbon and nitrogen.

The norms and doses of UAN application depend on the type of crop, time and method of application, predecessor and other factors.

LLC «BonAgry» offers the best prices

Always up-to-date price list for mineral fertilizers from our company. You can get acquainted with the prices by the link or by calling us +38 (096) 182-95-93

Price list


Contact details:

Address: st. Simon Petlyura, 16, Kyiv city, 01032, Ukraine

Main office +38 (096) 182-95-93
